Out-of-State Doctors
Out-of-State Patients
Michigan and Montana also both have this reciprocity clause, so Rhode Island's patients are legally protected for possessing and using medical marijuana in those states. In November 2009 Maine will vote on adding reciprocity to their law, which would protect Rhode Island patients within the state of Maine.
FOR MORE INFO on the laws of all 13 medical marijuana states, please see Americans for Safe Access.
Other States' Organizations
Here is a list of links to groups in other states working for medical marijuana patients. Contact them through their websites to get involved!FEDERAL USA: Americans for Safe Access
ALABAMA: Alabamians for Compassionate Care
ALASKA: Regulate Marijuana in Alaska
ARIZONA: Arizona Medical Marijuana Policy Project
ARKANSAS: Alliance for Reform of Drug Policy in Arkansas
CALIFORNIA: Americans for Safe Access
COLORADO: Sensible Colorado
DELAWARE: Marijuana Policy Project
FLORIDA: People United for Medical Marijuana
GEORGIA: got nothing...
HAWAII: Drug Policy Forum of Hawaii
IDAHO: Marijuana Policy Project
ILLINOIS: Marijuana Policy Project
IOWA: Iowans for Medical Marijuana
KANSAS: Marijuana Policy Project
KENTUCKY: Marijuana Policy Project
LOUISIANA: got nothing...
MAINE: Maine Medical Marijuana Resource Center
MARYLAND: University of Maryland Students for Sensible Drug Policy
MASSACHUSETTS: Massachusetts Patient Advocacy Alliance
MICHIGAN: Michigan Medical Marijuana Alliance
MINNESOTA: Minnesotans for Compassionate Care
MISSISSIPPI: got nothing...
MISSOURI: Missouri University NORML/SSDP
MONTANA: Patients and Families United
NEBRASKA: got nothing...
NEW HAMPSHIRE: New Hampshire Compassion
NEW JERSEY: Coalition for Medical Marijuana New Jersey
NEW MEXICO: Drug Policy Alliance New Mexico
NEW YORK: New Yorkers for Compassionate Care
NORTH CAROLINA: North Carolina Cannabis Patients Network
NORTH DAKOTA: got nothing...
OHIO: Ohio Patient Network
OKLAHOMA: Oklahoma Compassionate Care Campaign
PENNSYLVANIA: Pennsylvanians for Medical Marijuana
RHODE ISLAND!: Rhode Island Patient Advocacy Coalition
SOUTH CAROLINA: got nothing...
SOUTH DAKOTA: South Dakotans for Medical Marijuana
TENNESSEE: Marijuana Policy Project
TEXAS: Texas Coalition for Compassionate Care
UTAH: got nothing...
VERMONT: Vermont Alliance for Intelligent Drug Laws
VIRGINIA: Patients Out of Time
WASHINGTON: ACLU of Washington
WEST VIRGINIA: got nothing...
WISCONSIN: Is My Medicine Legal Yet?