Rhode Island Patient Advocacy Coalition
excerpted from http://www.ramcigar.com/media/storage/paper366/news/2006/11/30/Editorialopinion/Letter.Ssdp.Rallies.Support.For.Medical.Marijuana-2514608.shtml?norewrite200612072145&sourcedomain=www.ramcigar.com:
The Good 5c Cigar of the University of Rhode Island
Issue date: 11/30/06

SSDP rallies support for medical marijuana

Rhode Island is officially the 11th state to pass medical marijuana. On Jan. 3, 2006, the Rhode Island General Assembly overrode Gov. Donald L. Carcieri's veto to pass into law the Edward O. Hawkins and Thomas C. Slater Medical Marijuana Act. Not only was this an incredible feat for the drug policy movement in Rhode Island, it clearly demonstrated how much support Rhode Islanders have for the bill.

Prior to the passing of the Medical Marijuana Act, progressive groups from around the state got together and formed the Rhode Island Patient Advocacy Coalition. "RIPAC is Rhode Island's grassroots medical marijuana community. Patients, caregivers, doctors, health care providers, advocates, lawyers, organizations, and citizens are invited to join our coalition.

"RIPAC seeks to educate all Rhode Islanders about medical marijuana and its therapeutic benefits, as well as the Rhode Island Medical Marijuana Act, as implemented by the state Department of Health's Medical Marijuana Program," according to the Web site.

The current organizational members of the coalition include URI and Brown's SSDP chapters, the Rhode Island Medical Society, AIDS Project Rhode Island, Rhode Island State Nurses Association, United Nurses and Allied Professionals, Rhode Island Academy for Family Physicians and Rhode Island ACLU. RIPAC is also endorsed by Providence Mayor David Cicilline.

URI and Brown's SSDP chapters held a tabling event in the Union and on the Quadrangle yesterday. Together, the two chapters intend to spread the word about RIPAC and gain new support for the bill as it quickly approaches its sunset clause. We encourage every one to some show your support for medical marijuana in the future. Do your part to get informed, be proactive!

We encourage everyone to stop by our meetings Thursday nights in Memorial Union room 128 at 7 p.m. Like all of us, you probably ate too much turkey (or tofu-rkey) and could use a little exercise. Get out of your dorm room and come show your support. We would like to thank all of our supporters. Keep up the good work. We could not do it without you!

Noel Marandola, President, URI SSDP
[email protected]

Laura Edelstein, Vice President, URI SSDP
[email protected]
