Rhode Island Patient Advocacy Coalition


**Visit the RIPAC YouTube Channel for more videos, including testimony!**

"Pa. Medical Marijuana Bill Gets Hearing," WTXF FOX 29 News, 12/2/09

"Should Iowa Endorse Medical Marijuana?" KCRG 9 News, 11/12/09

"KTLA: AMA Calls For Medical Pot Review, Marie Mortera Reports," KTLA 5 News, 11/11/09
"Govt Denies Marijuana Effective, But They Supply This Man With 11 Oz / Month?," YouTube.com, 11/3/09

"Justice shifts course on medical marijuana prosecutions," The Baltimore Sun, 10/19/09

"New marijuana policy released," WPRI.com, 10/19/09

"Medical Marijuana: "This is what's keeping me alive," ProJo.com Video, 9/26/09

"Compassion Centers Debate," [VIDEO] McLaughlin Group (PBS), 6/26/09

"Compassion Centers Will Sell Marijuana," NBC-10 Video, 6/16/09

"RI allows medical marijuana sales," NBC-10 Video, 6/16/09

"Rhode Island Medical Marijuana Compassion Centers," WPRI-12 / FOX News, 4/9/08

"Bill Wants to Make Getting Medical Marijuana Easier," ABC-6 / WLNE-TV, 4/8/08

"RIPAC's Jesse Stout testifies for Massachusetts medical marijuana bill," 12/12/07

"Bobbie Ebert, RI patient, asks Sen. John McCain about medical marijuana," 11/18/07

"Chris Neves, RI patient, asks Sen. John McCain about medical marijuana," 11/17/07

"Medical Marijuana by Drew Carey and Reason.tv," 10/31/07

"RIPAC's Jesse Stout speaks at NORML Conference 2007," 10/13/07

"Americans for Safe Access Medical Marijuana Rally," 10/11/07

"Rhode Island Medical Marijuana Act," NBC-10 / WJAR, 5/3/07

"Rhode Island Medical Marijuana Bill Set to Expire" ABC-6 / WLNE-TV, 3/21/07

"Second Marijuana Policy Project Ad with Rhonda O'Donnell," Marijuana Policy Project, 2005

"First Marijuana Policy Project Ad with Rhonda O'Donnell," Marijuana Policy Project, 2005


Wanted: People to Grown and Distribute Large Quantities of Medical Marijuana, WRNI Public Radio, 3/16/10

The RIPAC Public Service Announcement (PSA)

Dean Becker interviews Jesse Stout on Drug Truth Network

"Medical Marijuana Compassion Centers," 95.5 WBRU News, 7/22/08

"Rhode Island Compassion Center Ad," played on many stations starting 5/27/08

"Digging Deeper: The Medical Marijuana Paradox," WBRU News, 4/21/08

RIPAC's Jesse Stout on NORML Daily Audio Stash: 3/11/08, 4/9/08, 5/12/08, 3/3/09, 5/14/09

Mort White on medical marijuana, The Magic Garden Show, 3/8/08 [email for file]

RIPAC's Jesse Stout on WBRU 95.5 #1, #2, #3, #4, 2/27/08

RIPAC's Jesse Stout on WBRU 95.5 FM #1, #2, #3, 1/16/08

"Medical Marijuana" by News Director, WBRU News, 6/15/07

"Medical Marijuana Law Vote," WRNI Public Radio, 4/25/07

"House, Senate to Vote on Medical Marijuana Bill" General Assembly press release, 4/18/07

"Medical Marijuana" (2007 AP Award Winner), WBRU News, 1/23/06Wanted: people to grow and distribute large quantities of medical marijuana